Saturday, 12 October 2013

The Cheltenham Ladies College

Assalamualaikum! Greetings from *another* LADIES COLLEGE

I see HLC had made an introduction for us, yup, we are from...... 

The Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Currently, there are 4 of us here, 2 of which had just joined me (Isyrah) and Ziqah this year, our (clingy) junnies Ainuna and Dalia!

Boarding In Harrogate Ladies' College


Tell me how is it like to board in HLC?

So, last year we stayed in Clarence house. In our opinion, it is the best house out of all 4. It can fit about 30 boarders and the house provide us with everything that we need ( except water hose in the toilet but what do you expect? ). Now we live in Tower house. Well actually there are 5 houses in total.

You told me there were only 4!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Harrogate Ladies' College

Address: Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Bruneian students: 3 ( 3 Upper six, 0 Lower six)

Assalamualaikum, greetings from Harrogate Ladies' College students!