This is a super late one-year-later post but better late than never, right? Maybe.
Easter break is coming. But we haven't told you anything about our winter break yet! So.... here it is!
Easter break is coming. But we haven't told you anything about our winter break yet! So.... here it is!
Our winter break started mid December 2013. While some of us went back home, meeting their families and friends, we in Brunei Hall didn't miss the fun too! We did so much together.
Minggu Ta'aruf aka Orientation Week
This was one of the best things that happened during our winter break. We got to know much more about each other through the games and activities carried out throughout the programme such as the '2 Truths 1 Lie', the 'Post-it Game' (idea from Running Man, where you have to draw to describe the word given and the next person need to draw what you have drawn). The latter was just HILARIOUS! Fish and Chips became Nasi Ikan, Stone Henge became cemetery, the warden became Doraemon and even Mr Bean became The Beatles! Hahahaha!
Minggu Ta'aruf has been really successful in creating stronger bonds between us all. :') Eating together, solat jemaah sama-sama. Everything was memorable.

Junjung Ziarah
Another big event that has occured during our winter break is 'Majlis Junjung Ziarah' where we had the chance to meet our beloved Sultan of Brunei! Wohooooooooooooo!
Alhamdulillah, BruALS has been given a golden opportunity to perform the National Anthem in front of our Sultan and Raja Isteri as the year's choir group. We spent a lot of time rehearsing a week before the event and those moments spent were precious. Lots of things happened. Highlight: A great talent has been discovered. BruALs has its own Ning Baizura. Yes Ning, you know who you are :P
Everyone was colourful in the event with baju kurung, cara Melayu and some even wore suits. Everyone looked happy (maybe it's because of the amazing food served to us). Hahaha. I'm kidding, maybe this was an event the internet would describe as "priceless" because moments spent together like these is not bought by money. (How ironic because in the end we were actually given... never mind.)
Conducted by Uncle Eddy, we gave our best on the real day and Alhamdulillah, we did great!!! No broken keys (at least not obvious), nada sumbang, nada suara tenggelam. Tenor, bass, soprano and alto: All da bomb!
ANDDDDDDDDDD! Guess who the Sultan approached first as he stepped down the stage? USSSSSSSSSS! Hahaha. We were lucky enough to be very, very near the stage so the Sultan came to us first. Teeheeee. Our feelings? Hand tremors, heart about to burst of nervousness, feet shaking, minds going crazy running around finding the right words to say in front of our beloved king and to sum it up, we felt quite special to have probably the most conversation with the sultan amongst the crowds.
(Source: Media Permata) |
All in all, it was an uh-ma-zinggggggggggg winter break. It was so sad to see everyone left to go back to school. :'( Sending them off at the train station was hard. Sikit lagi drama Hindustan bubut train. Hahaha. Luan clingy bah. Nevertheless, we are going to have our Easter Break soon! Fun times coming!!!!!
Warm regards,
BruALs xx
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