So were all the students of Lower and Upper six who took AS & A2 exams on May and June this year. Our WhatsApp group text were so active that day. Some of us receive results as early as midday. That made the rest of us nervous.
That is the difference between exams in UK and in Brunei. In Brunei everyone can't help but only guess the date when the results are out. Sometimes the rumors were just too much, at the end, you don't want to believe it anymore. Sorry for those who took the may/june exams in Brunei. Their results are not out yet.
In the UK, different schools will give different time but the results will be out on the same day. "It feels like a death sentence" said Mumtazah of The Mount School York, while we were waiting for the result. I agree!
ALHAMDULILLAH! Everyone had received them and I believe that everyone received a satisfying exam results for now. Not to worry if there is a few bits of paper that we need to retake next year because we know we already did our best. For those who havent send them yet to MOE, I think you should do it now (just reminding)
"The next thing it should do is demotivate us to strive for the better next academic year - Durrah Nadheerah of Badminton School.
Thank you Durrah for reminding us that AS is not the end because we have 9 months to go. For now, Alhamdulillah & to our seniors who have finish their A level course, Congratulations! and goodluck for university !

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