Saturday 24 August 2013

Counting days

For the lower six students of BruAls, we are experiencing our first summer holiday and for me, it is an awesome holiday and I have so much fun. 2 months of no-school-but-still-have-personal-statement-to-do period. Who dares to be against this treat?


But what will we do 2 weeks before flight? This is our crucial time for shopping, packing and crying (kidding, no more crying for me). Some of us are still busy with results but some of us had received news that they will be welcoming Bruneian juniors to their school!! Ok I don't have juniors....

Anyway, some dedicated BruAls students have officially made the juniors a book as guidance to help them settle in the UK. It includes list of things to bring to UK and the first few things that the juniors will need  to do when they arrive. I remember the first few things that I want do back then : go to King's Cross station. Then I realize, that is the only station to go from London to Harrogate ( where my school is). I feel like in a Harry Potter movie
Before going to UK, we need to buy food. Bruneian food, snacks and canned food. Just don't bring Durian, ambulung or kuih mor. HEHE. But what we really need to do is to spend time with family because we will miss them very much. In my opinion, this 10 days have to be filled with family time. Honestly, this week I'm trying my best not to quarrel with my brothers. Hehe.

Tips Taps for juniors: Don't worry, it will be normal to be homesick  the first few weeks but it will get better.Us seniors will always be there. We will definitely have fun. Ask help anytime. Goodluck!

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